

黑猫漫画 is a student organization for any Scottie interested in comedy, 从单口相声到即兴表演. 我们欢迎所有!
Blackfriars, the student theater troupe, was founded in 1915 under the direction of Frances S. 古奇, and claims the distinction of being the oldest producing theater in Atlanta, as well as the oldest organization on campus. Working in close cooperation with the theater faculty of the department of theater and dance, Blackfriars offers students the opportunity to participate in all aspects of production, 从表演到技术剧场. Blackfriars presents a major production each semester, as well as a production for children and a collection of student-generated productions. All interested students are invited to participate.
We will emphasize the spirit of collaboration to explore, 鼓励, and inspire new avenues of creativity among each other. Poetry is an incredibly insightful and fluid form of expression and in this collective, we celebrate how it allows us to say what we need to.
Comprised of 40 members, this group gives several concerts each semester. In recent years, these include joint concerts with the Georgia Tech Men's Glee Club. Membership is open to all students by audition.
纤维艺社 seeks to foster community and 鼓励 creativity through fiber artistry among students of Agnes Scott.
KPC works to indulge in the music and dances of Korean culture, 创建一个保险箱, fun and diverse space and community for K-pop listeners and promote members’ performance skills and build up their confidence.
This extracurricular student-run vocal ensemble is committed to performing solely a cappella music. Luchsingers provides an opportunity for singers to enhance their vocal blending skills and musicality. Luchsingers also provides a space for the growth of student leadership through student-led rehearsals.
Sigma Alpha Iota music service fraternity is an organization that promotes interaction among those who share a commitment to music. 新组织, the Gamma Eta chapter sponsors informal and formal recitals featuring students in the music department and its members serve where they are needed as stage managers, 招待员, 还有门监视器. In addition to personal 鼓励ment and support, members may receive scholarships and awards in many areas and at all levels of music-related study. Sigma Alpha Iota has long been recognized as a leader in the field of music and provides a lifetime of important connections. 成为会员, you must be enrolled in or have taken at least one music class and have a cumulative grade point average of 2.5.
欢呼 is a student organization which expresses a ministry through song in the form of traditional gospel music. Membership is open to all those who enjoy singing praise to God. Two on-campus concerts are performed each year in addition to numerous off-campus performances.
低声地 is a 7-12-voice, highly selective chamber choir. Any student at Agnes Scott is eligible to audition, but must first audition and be accepted into 大学合唱团. 低声地 performs an average of 12 concerts per year, some on campus and others in the community. 
The 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 music department sponsors a number of the instrumental ensemble: the ASC Community Orchestra, 弦室合奏, 键盘和管乐室合奏, 爵士乐团, 及世界打击乐团.
The 学生电影制作 works to help students express themselves through film. The club will act as an opportunity to practice technical skills including screenwriting, 相机工作, 和编辑.
工作室舞蹈剧场(SDT), the student performing dance ensemble at Agnes Scott, is a company of dancers who perform on campus, in the Atlanta area and represent the college at the American College Dance Association annual conference.  Performers are required to train in technique classes at Agnes Scott but do not have to be majors or minors in Dance.  Each semester SDT presents a concert that highlights the dancers versatility in movement, while engaging audiences with choreography that is collaborative, interdisciplinary and that exposes social challenges.  入学须经试镜.  Auditions for SDT are held at the beginning of each fall semester. 


极光 is the Agnes Scott literary magazine. The magazine is published once a year and includes student poetry, prose, and artwork. In the past, the magazine has also considered publishing musical compositions. Copies of previous year's publications are available in the Center for Student Involvement.

这个概要文件, the college's independent student newspaper, is published twice per semester during the academic year. 所有对写作感兴趣的学生, 摄影, 编辑, 布局设计, 漫画, advertising or circulation are 鼓励d to join the staff.

联系人: profile@ligalocalvaldepenas.com. 
